Active Network

Active Network

The premier global marketplace for activities and events, connecting participants and activity organizers, while offering intelligence solutions through our industry-leading data and insights platform. Learn more
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Series B


Series C


Series C


Series D


Series E


Valuation: $80.0m



Series F


Late VC


Valuation: $1.0b



Valuation: $1.1b

Total Funding€320m

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ACTIVE Network provides professional IT services and database administration solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses. Operating in the information technology sector, ACTIVE Network serves a diverse range of clients, including enterprises that require robust IT infrastructure and database management. The company offers expertise in various database technologies such as SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, DB2, and Sybase. Their business model revolves around offering contract and project-based services, ensuring that clients receive customized solutions for their IT challenges. ACTIVE Network generates revenue by providing these specialized services, which include database administration, IT infrastructure automation, and project management. The company is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their goals through scalable and efficient technology solutions.

Keywords: IT services, database administration, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, DB2, Sybase, IT infrastructure, project management, scalable solutions, technology provider.

Tech stack

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Investments analysisEdit

Investments by Active Network

ACQUISITION by Active Network May 2016
StarCite, Part of Active Network
ACQUISITION by Active Network Jan 2012
HY-TEK Sports Software
ACQUISITION by Active Network Jul 2008
Virtual Event Bags
ACQUISITION by Active Network Dec 2015
ACQUISITION by Active Network Jan 2009
ACQUISITION by Active Network Feb 2015
ACQUISITION by Active Network Apr 2017
Worldly Developments
ACQUISITION by Active Network Aug 2012
Maximum Solutions
ACQUISITION by Active Network Jan 2017
Public Enterprise Group
ACQUISITION by Active Network Apr 2005
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