

AngelVest Group was launched in 2007, in affiliation with the Shanghai chapter of the Asia America Multi Technology Association. Learn more

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More about AngelVest

AngelVest ( was launched in 2007 in affiliation with the Asia

America MultiTechnology Association (“AAMA”), one of Silicon Valley’s leading business

networks ( Our mission, as one of the first institutionalized angel groups in

China, is to enable entrepreneurs in China to raise angel or early-stage capital from accredited angel investors – who can provide not only capital, but also operating expertise and relationships to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. As our operations continue to grow, so too does our geographic focus for investments. To reflect

this growth in geographic preference, our name was changed in 2010 from AAMA Shanghai

Angels to AngelVest.

Currently, AngelVest has over 70 members, most of whom are senior professionals within their respective industries (TMT, healthcare/biotech, clean tech, real estate, retail/consumer products, manufacturing, legal, and financial services including VC/PE). We maintain high professional and ethical standards for each of the members, and new angels can become members by invitation only.
