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Animab is a biotechnology startup focused on improving livestock health through innovative solutions. The company operates in the animal health market, specifically targeting the livestock sector, which includes animals like pigs and cattle. Animab's primary clients are farmers and livestock producers who are looking to enhance the health and performance of their animals.

The core of Animab's business is its proprietary technology that produces oral antibodies. These antibodies are designed to improve gut health in livestock, particularly during vulnerable stages such as post-weaning in piglets. By targeting intestinal pathogens, Animab's products help reduce infections, leading to better overall health and growth rates in animals.

Animab's business model revolves around the production, purification, formulation, and distribution of these antibody-based products. The company integrates cutting-edge research from various scientific disciplines, including animal science and biotechnology, to develop its products. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that Animab's solutions are both effective and sustainable.

Revenue generation for Animab comes from the sale of its antibody products to livestock producers. By improving animal health, these products help farmers achieve higher weight gains and better feed conversion rates, which translates to more efficient and profitable livestock production. Additionally, the company's technology supports cost efficiencies and sustainability in animal farming, making it an attractive option for modern agricultural practices.

Animab is backed by a European investor syndicate, which provides the financial support needed to bring its proven concepts to the market. The company's technology is protected by four patent families, ensuring a competitive edge in the biotechnology field.

In summary, Animab is a biotechnology company that leverages advanced research to create oral antibodies for livestock, aiming to improve animal health, performance, and sustainability. Its business model focuses on selling these innovative products to livestock producers, helping them achieve better outcomes in their farming operations.

Keywords: biotechnology, livestock health, oral antibodies, gut health, animal performance, sustainability, cost efficiency, patent-protected, livestock producers, European investors.