

Developing a novel electrochemical process for extracting nickel and cobalt from laterites. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
€6—9m ( estimates May 2024.)
Santa Clara California (HQ)
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Total Funding€1.5m

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BANIQL is a pioneering startup focused on revolutionizing the nickel refining industry through environmentally friendly technology. The company has developed a cutting-edge process called the BEST Baniql Extraction System, which maximizes the leaching process to extract high-purity nickel with minimal environmental impact. Unlike conventional methods that are energy-intensive and produce toxic waste, BANIQL's approach uses less energy, less water, and generates zero toxic waste.

BANIQL primarily serves industries that require high-purity nickel, such as electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturers. The company operates in the green technology and mining sectors, targeting clients who are looking for sustainable and cost-effective solutions for nickel extraction. This includes both large-scale mining operations and companies involved in recycling scrap metal waste.

The business model of BANIQL revolves around licensing its proprietary technology to mining companies and manufacturers, as well as providing consultancy services to help implement their system. By offering a more efficient and eco-friendly method of nickel extraction, BANIQL enables its clients to reduce costs and meet stringent environmental regulations. The company generates revenue through licensing fees, consultancy charges, and potentially through partnerships or joint ventures with mining firms.

BANIQL's unique selling proposition lies in its ability to produce battery-grade nickel at a lower cost and with a significantly reduced environmental footprint. The team comprises experts from various fields, including engineering, geology, hydrometallurgy, and electrochemistry, which allows them to innovate and refine their processes continually. Their diverse backgrounds also enable them to access untapped mineral resources in developing countries, further expanding their market reach.

In summary, BANIQL is transforming the nickel refining industry by offering a sustainable, cost-effective, and zero-waste solution for producing high-purity nickel, essential for the growing EV market.

Keywords: green technology, nickel refining, EV batteries, sustainable mining, zero waste, cost-effective, high-purity nickel, atmospheric leaching, innovative extraction, environmental impact.