Better Bite Ventures

Better Bite Ventures

Launch date
Central Singapore (HQ), New Zealand (founding location)

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More about Better Bite Ventures

Better Bite Ventures is investing in alternative protein startups in Asia Pacific.

We are backing founders that create climate-friendly meat, dairy, egg and seafood alternatives that are better for people, animals and the planet.

We invest in these technologies:

- Plant-based

- Cell-based

- Biomass fermentation

- Precision fermentation

- Molecular farming

We focus primarily on founding, pre-seed and seed stages.

Better Bite Ventures was created by Michal Klar and Simon Newstead, two Asia Pacific based operators turned impact investors. They have combined 20 years living plant-based and sector expertise including running the Future Food Now newsletter and Vegan Startup podcast, and a track record of investing and venture building in food and tech.

Our investment process is simple and terms are transparent and founder-friendly.

If you are a founder and would like to chat, please get in touch!