Manage and More

Manage and More

Entrepreneurship Scholarship by Unternehmer TUM - Technical University of Munich. Learn more

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More about Manage and More

Since 2004 the Manage and More program of the UnternehmerTUM aims to qualify entrepreneurial talents for their ongoing professional career. Each semester 20 particularly motivated students from all Munich universities are selected for this 18-month program.

The scholarship holders develop themselves on a personal and professional level throughout innovative project work, workshops, coachings and mentoring, in order to take future responsibilities as founders or executives.

One focus of the program is to plan and execute innovation projects with recognized industry partners and to develop High-Tech solutions in close cooperation with research. The students represent a strong network of talented young people working in interdisciplinary teams. The program is hosted by UnternehmerTUM, the Center of Innovation and Business Creation at the Technical University Munich (TUM).