Q Customer Intelligence

Q Customer Intelligence

Collaborative customer intelligence platform for consumer facing organizations. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
€2—3m (Dealroom.co estimates Dec 2015.)
Richmond Virginia (HQ)
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Total Funding€909k

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QCustomer operates as a digital platform dedicated to providing authentic product reviews and price comparisons to help consumers make informed purchasing decisions. The company serves a broad range of clients, primarily individual consumers looking for unbiased opinions on various products and brands. Operating in the e-commerce and consumer review market, QCustomer leverages user-generated content to offer genuine insights into product quality and trends. The business model is centered around aggregating and publishing reviews from users worldwide, ensuring a bias-free environment where every voice is heard. Revenue is generated through affiliate marketing, where QCustomer earns commissions on sales made through links on their platform, and potentially through partnerships with brands seeking exposure. The platform also features trending product lists and facilitates community discussions, enhancing user engagement and trust.

Keywords: product reviews, price comparisons, e-commerce, consumer insights, user-generated content, unbiased reviews, affiliate marketing, brand partnerships, trending products, community discussions.

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