Royal Academy of Engineering

Royal Academy of Engineering

Uk's national academy of engineering, providing leadership and promoting all fields of engineering. Learn more

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More about Royal Academy of Engineering

Education@Royal Academy of Engineering is the UK's national academy of engineering, providing leadership and promoting excellence across all fields of engineering, to the benefit of society. Its activities are formed, led, and delivered by exceptional Fellowship, which represents the nation’s best practicing engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs, often in leading roles across business and academia. Royal Academy of Engineering is involved in many activities related to all fields of engineering such as increasing the quantity and quality of engineering skills in the U.K., supporting engineering innovation and entrepreneurship, bringing real awareness of the value of engineering to society and the rewards of engineering jobs, and advising policymakers on issues with an engineering dimension. Royal Academy of Engineering was formed in 1976 and is based in London.

Supported companies by Royal Academy of Engineering

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ACQUISITION by DiGiCo Oct 2023